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    SynTissue FAQ

    SynDaver SynTissue products may be substituted for traditional models in such tests by the nature of their similarity to the actual-use environment. This resemblance is characterized by matching the mechanical, physical and chemical properties, geometry and organ-to-organ interaction. On the simplest level, individual synthetic organs (rectus femoris muscle, small intestine, abdominal aorta, etc.) are constructed to ensure they replicate the geometry (shape, diameter, wall thickness, etc.) of a particular portion of the target anatomy. In addition, the individual synthetic tissue analogs used to fabricate these components are formulated so that they exhibit chemical and physical properties (water, fiber and salt content, as well as strength or modulus in shear, coefficient of static or dynamic friction, surface energy, dielectric properties, heat capacity, porosity, etc.) that mimic those of the target tissue. Finally, the components are assembled in such a way that the interaction between adjacent components is similar to that expected in the target tissue. That is, the body part is designed so that inter-facial properties, such as the coefficient of dynamic friction (inter-organ), and mechanical attachments also mimic those exhibited in the target anatomy.
    Our research-grade products are used by every major medical device manufacturer in the world to replace live animals and human cadavers in medical device development studies. Our products also are used in hospitals, medical schools and simulation centers for training in basic suturing skills, microvascular anastomosis, central line placement, chest tube placement, breast surgery, liposuction, oral and nasal intubation, tracheotomy and cricothyroidotomy, coronary angioplasty and stenting, and a wide variety of other surgical procedures. They also are used in secondary through college level anatomy courses and dissection labs.
    SynTissue contains a great deal of water just like living tissue and therefore must be protected from desiccation. This is accomplished by storing the SynTissue item in a plastic bag or storage basin, depending on the size of the item. To keep microbes at bay within the storage environment, a solution of 90% clean water, 10% isopropyl alcohol is recommented. Stored items can also be refrigerated for additional longevity.

    SynTissue products are made from water, salts and fibers and contain no hazardous materials. Consumable SynTissue items can be discarded with ordinary refuse.

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